Total price:
Therapeutical areas
Therapeutic areas of Terme Krka health services.

If you suffer from any of the diseases of the cardiovascular system, you are not alone: these problems account for 40% of all chronic diseases and causes of disability, premature aging, and death.
We operate in the following destinations:
- Šmarješke Toplice

Most of our patients suffer from rheumatic diseases and osteoporosis, but we also work with children with poor posture. The healing effects of thermal spring water are enormously beneficial in the rehabilitation process.
We operate in the following destinations:
- Dolenjske Toplice
- Šmarješke Toplice
- Strunjan

At all our locations, we perform rehabilitation for patients who have had lower limb and shoulder (hip, knee and ankle) injuries and surgery.
We operate in the following destinations:
- Dolenjske Toplice
- Šmarješke Toplice
- Strunjan

Stroke, atherosclerosis, neuralgia, and neuropathies are common diseases of the nervous system. To treat these diseases, it’s important to start rehabilitation quickly. At Terme Krka, we have based our rehabilitation programmes on modern knowledge and techniques.
We operate in the following destinations:
- Dolenjske Toplice
- Šmarješke Toplice

At Talaso Strunjan, we offer the perfect combination to treat respiratory illnesses: a healthy Mediterranean climate and top experts with years of experience who can help you effectively manage your disease.
We operate in the following destinations:
- Strunjan

Even with proper hospital treatment, various complications may arise after breast or cervical cancer surgery. These complications are effectively treated Terme Dolenjske Toplice, which has been an important centre for women’s health for over a hundred years.
We operate in the following destinations:
- Dolenjske Toplice