Visit the wooden bridges on the Krka River

Wooden bridges give the Dolenjska region a special charm

Ragovski most tk

Na Dolenjskem je večina lesenih mostov in brvi čez reko Krko

Značilno regionalno obliko lesenega mostu lahko opazimo v tromostovju na Otočcu. Dva stojita drug za drugim in povezujeta oba rečna bregova in otoček, na katerem stoji grad Otočec, tretji je nedaleč stran, takoj za otočkom, v vasi Otočec. Vse tri so tudi del kratkih, a slikovitih pohodniških in kolesarskih poti, zelo primernih za družine in potepuhe.

Leseni most v Dolenjskih Toplicah

Slikovit je tudi most v bližini Dolenjskih Toplic, v Dolenjem Polju. Obiščite ga, lahko s kolesom, ko se med oddihom v Termah Dolenjske Toplice odpravite na izlet do znamenitega Hudičevega turna v Soteski.

Kostanjevica na Krki

Že več kot 150 let kljubujejo času in poplavam. Nekdaj so ljudi, živino in vozove s pridelki čez Krko prevažali z brodom, v drugi polovici 19. stoletja pa so že bili zgrajeni leseni mostovi, na primer, v Kostanjevici na Krki, na Brodu v Podbočju in v Krški vasi. 

Dolenjska ima najveći broj drvenih i pješačkih mostova na rijeci Krki

Tipičan dolenjski oblik drvenog mosta možete vidjeti kod tri mosta na Otočcu. Dva stoje jedan iza drugoga, jer spajaju obje riječne obale i otočić, na kojem se nalazi dvorac Otočec, a treći se nalazi nedaleko, malo iza otoka u selu Otočec. Sva tri su dio kratkih, a slikovitih pješačkih i biciklističkih staza koje su prikladne za obitelji i šetače.  

Drveni most u Dolenjskim Toplicama

Slikovit je i most kod Dolenjskih Toplica, u Dolenjem Polju. Možete ga obići i biciklom, kada tijekom odmora u Termama Dolenjske Toplice krenete na izlet na poznatu Đavolju turu u Sotesku.

Kostanjevica na Krki

Više od 150 godina prkose vremenu i poplavama. U prošlosti su se ljudi, stoka i kola s usjevima preko Krke prevozili čamcima, a u drugoj polovici 19. stoljeća već su se gradili drveni mostovi, primjerice u Kostanjevici na Krki, na Brodu u Podbočju i u Krškoj. vas.

The vertical support structure of wooden bridges in this region is formed by several wooden pillars, which are slightly tapered from the river bed towards the main structure of the bridge. However, in the spots where the supporting piers are placed, all of them – like most wooden bridges in general – are laterally reinforced with a horizontal connection extending in the form of a triangle across the walking surface. 

In the Dolenjska region, most of its wooden bridges and footbridges are crossing the Krka River.

The typical regional form of a wooden bridge can be seen in the three bridges at Otočec. Two stand one after the other, connecting the two river banks and the islet on which stands Otočec Castle, the third one is not far away, just after the islet, in the village of Otočec. All three are also part of short but scenic hiking and cycling trails, very suitable for families and ramblers.

Photogenic bridges on Otočec

  • Grad Otočec

  • Restaurant Hotel Grad Otočec

Defying time and floods for more than 150 years

The bridge in the vicinity of Dolenjske Toplice in Dolenje Polje, is also picturesque. You can visit it by bicycle when you take a trip to the famous Devil's Tower in Soteska during your stay at Terme Dolenjske Toplice.

Bridge over the Krka near Dolenjske Toplice

  • Wooden bridge in Dolenje Polje

  • Hudičev turn, Soteska

Kostanjevica na Krki

In the past, people, livestock and carts carrying crops were transported across the Krka River by ferry. However, by the second half of the 19th century, wooden bridges were already in use, for example, in Kostanjevica na Krki, at Brod in Podbočje and in the village of Krška Vas. The Kostanjevica and Brod bridges have stood the test of time and annual floods, while the bridge in Krška Vas was replaced by a reinforced concrete bridge in 1978.

Development requires more and more connections

In Novo mesto, you can walk across a wooden bridge to the city park in Ragov log, and the Loka Bridge is also clad in wood. But citizens need even more connections, which is why two pedestrian and cycling bridges are being built in the middle of the city right now, with two more in the surrounding area and two more for vehicles to be built in the coming years. While the new bridges will not be wooden, it is interesting to note that thedesign of all of them is being carried out by an internationally renowned bridge designer from Slovenia, Marjan Pipenbaher, who also designed the famous bridge to the island of Pelješac, the Črni kal viaduct, and the longest railway bridge in Israel.

Hills, vineyards, river rapids and wooden bridges – a paradise for tourists

With its softly rounded hills, the dreamy Krka River, numerous castles and picturesque villages, Dolenjska is a region that has become increasingly popular with tourists in recent years. They are also drawn in by the great cuisine and thermal springs found here. 

Cycling and hiking trails

When you visit this region, another great way to explore it is by bicycle, as there are many cycle paths along the Krka River. From its bridges, you can take in the rapids, dams and waterfalls created by the tufa rock formations. Swans and herons can often be found perched on these formations, so you'll be sure to catch the perfect snapshot.    

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