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6 recipes for a light, healthy and quick dinner

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Losos iz pečice s sladkim krompirjem in brokolijem

Bogato z Omega 3 in antioksidanti! 

-          1 🕴 | ⏱ 35 min.

-          1 file lososa (130 g)

-          ½ limone

-          200 g sladkega krompirja

-          1 žlica olivnega olja

-          100 g brokolija

-          sol, poper

Odlična zelenjavna bovla s piščancem

Lahka vitaminska večerja in malica!

-          1 🕴  | ⏱ 30 min.

-          100 g polnozrnatega riža

-          150 g piščančjih prsi

-          ½ manjše bučke

-          1 korenček

-          100 g špinače

-          60 g kuhane čičerike

-          Sol, poper, olivno olje


-          1 žlica kisa

-          1/3 čajne žličke soli

-          ½ limone

-          1 žlica grškega jogurta

-          1 žlička lanenega olja


-          Chia semena, laneno seme, orehi

Okusna omleta z ajdovo kašo, lečo in zelenjavo

Brez moke, proteinska jed - z rastlinskimi viri beljakovin!

-          1 🕴  | ⏱ 45 min. (ali 15 min., če imamo kašo in lečo že kuhano) 

-          2 jajca

-          3 žlice kuhane ajdove kaše

-          2 žlici kuhane leče

-          ½ paradižnika

-          1/3 zelene paprike

-          1/3 bučke

-          1 čajna žlička kisle smetane

-          Sol, poper, olivno olje


-          ½ avokada

-          2 lista rdečega radiča

Kremna juha iz zelenjave in hokaido buče z ajdovo kašo

Sladka in zdrava enolončnica, ki jo lahko damo v zmrzovalnik. Bogata z antioksidanti in vlakninami!

-  4 🕴 | ⏱ 30 min.

-  ½ manjše hokaido buče

-  1 rumen in 1 oranžen koren

-  ½ čebule

-  1 manjši por

-  2 stroka česna

-  sol, poper, peteršilj 

-  muškatni orešček

-  1 žlico kisle smetane

-  1 žlica sesekljanih bučnih semen

-  1 čajna žlička bučnega in 1 čajna žlička olivnega olja

-  4 žlice kuhane ajdove kaše

Jabolčni narastek iz ovsenih kosmičev in orehov, iz pečice

Otroci ga obožujejo! Dovolj energije za vse njihove norčije. 

-  4 🕴  | ⏱ 45 min.

-  250 g ovsenih kosmičev

-  0,3 dl sladke smetane

-  0,3 dl mleka

-  4 jajca

-  1 vanilin sladkor

-  cimet

-  4 žlice rjavega sladkorja

-  1 kg naribanih jabolk (neolupljenih)

-  50 g sesekljanih orehov

Kislo zelje s fižolom, proseno kašo in malo ocvirki

Pozimi greje in ščiti pred  mikrobi!

-  4 🕴  | ⏱ 20 min. (če imamo že kuhan fižol in kašo)

-  600 g kislega zelja

-  1 čebula

-  2 žlici olivnega olja

-  400 g kuhanega fižola v zrnju

-  400 g kuhane prosene kaše

-  2 žlici ocvirkov

Losos iz pećnice s batatom i brokulom

Bogato s Omega 3 i antioksidansima! 

-          1 🕴 | ⏱ 35 min.

-          1 file lososa (130 g)

-          ½ limuna

-          200 g batata

-          1 žlica maslinovog ulja

-          100 g brokule

-          sol, papar

Izvrsna zdjela povrća i piletine

Lagana vitaminska večera i užina!

-          1 🕴  | ⏱ 30 min.

-          100 g integralne riže

-          150 g pilećih prsa

-          ½ manje tikvice

-          1 mrkva

-          100 g špinata

-          60 g kuhanog slanutka

-          Sol, papar, maslinovo ulje


-          1 žlica octa

-          1/3 čajne žličice soli

-          ½ limuna

-          1 žlica grčkog jogurta

-          1 žličica lanenog ulja


-          Chia sjemenke, sjemenke lana, orasi

Ukusni omlet s heljdinom kašom, lećom i povrćem

Bez brašna, proteinsko jelo - s biljnim izvorom bjelančevina!

-          1 🕴  | ⏱ 45 min. (ili 15 min., ako imamo već skuhanu kašu i leću) 

-          2 jaja

-          3 žlice kuhane heljdine kaše

-          2 žlice kuhane leće

-          ½ rajčice

-          1/3 zelene paprike

-          1/3 tikvice

-          1 čajna žličica kiselog vrhnja

-          Sol, papar, maslinovo ulje


-          ½ avokada

-          2 lista crvenog radiča

Krem juha od povrća i hokaido tikve s heljdinom kašom

Slatko i zdravo varivo koje možete staviti u zamrzivač. Bogata antioksidansima i vlaknima!

-  4 🕴 | ⏱ 30 min.

-  ½ manje hokaido tikve

-  1 žuta i 1 narančasta mrkva

-  ½ crvenog luka

-  1 manji poriluk

-  2 češnja češnjaka

-  sol, papar, peršin 

-  muškatni oraščić

-  1 žlica kiselog vrhnja

-  1 žlica sjeckanih bučinih sjemenki

-  1 čajna žličica bučinog i 1 čajna žličica maslinovog ulja

-  4 žlice kuhane heljdine kaše

Nabujak od jabuke od zobenih pahuljica i oraha, iz pećnice

Djeca ga obožavaju! Dovoljno energije za sve njihove nestašluke. 

-  4 🕴  | ⏱ 45 min.

-  250 g zobenih pahuljica

-  0,3 dl slatkog vrhnja

-  0,3 dl mlijeka

-  4 jaja

-  1 vanilin šećer

-  cimet

-  4 žlice smeđeg šećera

-  1 kg naribanih jabuka (neoguljenih)

-  50 g sjeckanih oraha

Kiselo zelje s grahom, kašom od prosa i malo čvaraka

Zimi grije i čuva od mikroba!

-  4 🕴  | ⏱ 20 min. (ako već imamo skuhan grah i kašu)

-  600 g kiselog zelja

-  1 crveni luk

-  2 žlice maslinovog ulja

-  400 g kuhanog graha u zrnu

-  400 g kuhane kaše od prosa

-  2 žlice čvaraka

Does your busy lifestyle keep you from preparing quality meals?

Here are 6 simple recipes for a quick, light and tasty dinner.

Terme Krka's nutritionist chose dishes that provide a daily dose of minerals, vitamins and other valuable nutrients needed to keep us healthy and motivated. The dishes have an additional benefit – you can take some of them with you on the go.

Oven-baked salmon with sweet potatoes and broccoli

Rich with Omega 3 and antioxidants! 

-          1 🕴 | ⏱ 35 min.

-          1 salmon filet (130 g)

-          ½ a lemon

-          200 g sweet potatoes

-          1 spoon olive oil

-          100 g broccoli

-          salt, pepper

Set the oven to 180 °C. Clean the salmon fillet, dry it and season it on both sides with salt and pepper. Place it in a baking dish skin down, drizzle with olive oil and add 3 slices of lemon. Wash, peel and cut the sweet potatoes into small pieces. Wash the broccoli and cut it as you wish. Season both with pepper and salt, arrange in the baking dish around the salmon and drizzle with olive oil.

Bake everything for 20–25 minutes in the oven at 180 °C.

An amazing vegetable bowl with chicken

A light vitamin dinner and snack!

-          1 🕴  | ⏱ 30 min.

-          100 g of wholegrain rice

-          150 g chicken breast

-          ½ a smaller zucchini

-          1 carrot

-          100 g spinach

-          60 g boiled chickpeas

-          salt, pepper, olive oil

For the dressing:

-          1 spoon vinegar

-          1/3 a teaspoon salt

-          ½ a lemon

-          1 spoon Greek yoghurt

-          1 teaspoon flaxseed oil


-          Chia seeds, flaxseeds, walnuts

Cook the rice according to the instructions on the package and cool it down. Cut the chicken breast into small cubes and season with salt and pepper. Grate the carrot and the zucchini. Fry the meat in olive oil and add grated carrot, zucchini and chickpeas right before it's done. Fry everything together (1­­–2 min) and let it cool down.

Arrange all the cooled ingredients in a bowl – the rice, the chicken with vegetables and the fresh spinach. Mix the dressing, pour it over all the ingredients and sprinkle chia seeds, flax seeds and walnuts on top.


Tip: If you have this dish on the go, pour the dressing over it right before eating.

A tasty omelet with buckwheat, lentils and vegetables

Contains no flower. A protein dish – protein sourced from plants!

-          1 🕴  | ⏱ 45 min. (or 15 min, if the buckwheat and lentils have already been boiled) 

-          2 eggs

-          3 spoons boiled buckwheat

-          2 spoons boiled lentils

-          ½ a tomato

-          1/3 a green bell pepper

-          1/3 a zucchini

-          1 teaspoon sour cream

-          salt, pepper, olive oil


-          ½ an avocado

-          2 red radicchio leaves

Cut the bell pepper, zucchini and tomato into small pieces. Crack the eggs in a cup and whisk them with a bit of salt and pepper. Add vegetables, the boiled buckwheat and lentils and a teaspoon of sour cream and mix well. Pour the mixture into a hot pan with olive oil, cover it and cook slowly at a medium temperature. Serve with half a sliced ​​avocado and radicchio leaves.

Vegetable and Hokkaido pumpkin cream soup with buckwheat

A sweet and healthy one-pot dish that keeps well in the freezer. Rich with antioxidants and fiber!

-  4 🕴 | ⏱ 30 min.

-  ½ a smaller Hokkaido pumpkin

-  1 yellow and 1 orange carrot

-  ½ an onion

-  1 small leek

-  2 cloves of garlic

-  salt, pepper, parsley 

-  nutmeg

-  1 spoon sour cream

-  1 spoon chopped pumpkin seeds

-  1 teaspoon pumpkin and 1 teaspoon olive oil

-  4 spoons boiled buckwheat

Fry the onion in olive oil until translucent. Add leeks, sliced ​​carrots and crushed garlic. After a short while, add the diced Hokkaido pumpkin. Cover with water, add salt, nutmeg and pepper and cook for 10 minutes. Blend the soup.

Prepare a mixture of sour cream, chopped pumpkin seeds and pumpkin oil. Serve the soup with boiled buckwheat. Add a teaspoon of the sour cream mixture and sprinkle with parsley.


Tip: Make a larger quantity and put some soup in the freezer for a later time.


Oven-baked apple pudding with oatmeal and walnuts

Kids love it! Enough energy for all their adventures. 

-  4 🕴  | ⏱ 45 min.

-  250 g oatmeal

-  0,3 dl sweet cream

-  0,3 dl milk

-  4 eggs

-  1 sachet vanilla sugar

-  cinnamon

-  4 spoons brown sugar

-  1 kilo grated apples (unpeeled)

-  50 g chopped walnuts

Preheat the oven to 200 °C. Separate the yolks from the whites and mix them in with half the sugar until foamy. Add vanilla sugar and cinnamon. Beat the egg whites with the remaining sugar until stiff peaks form. Lightly mix in the yolks, oatmeal, grated apples and walnuts.

Transfer to a greased baking tray, cover with foil and bake for 20 minutes at 200 °C. Uncover and bake for another 20 minutes at 180 °C degrees.


Tip: Makes for a good snack the following day.

Sauerkraut with beans, millet and cracklings

Keeps you warm and safe from microbes in the winter!

-  4 🕴  | ⏱ 20 min. (if beans and millet are already boiled)

-  600 g sauerkraut

-  1 onion

-  2 spoons olive oil

-  400 g boiled beans

-  400 g boiled millet

-  2 spoons cracklings

Cook the sauerkraut for 10 to 15 minutes. Fry the chopped onion in olive oil until translucent. Stir in cooked cabbage and add the cooked beans and millet. Mix everything lightly. Heat the cracklings and add them to the dish.


Bon appetit!