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Terme Dolenjske Toplice has a special offer for women
March is the month of women

Day Spa, dan za žensko razvajanje
- Celodnevno kopanje in savnanje, piling za mehko polt in sproščujoča švedska masaža.
Razvajanje v termalnih bazenih
- S svojo barvo Soče, zelenjem, umirjeno glasbo in podvodno masažo ponujajo toplo sprostitev in ugodje, pa tudi spomladansko lovljenje sončnih žarkov. Na galeriji lahko počivate na mehkih ležiščih, ob izjemnem pogledu na park in gozd.
Savnanje z negovalnimi in detox rituali
- Rituali so marca prilagojeni ženskemu ugodju in prebujanje čutov. Pilingi, dišeče obloge in kreme, prijetni vonji pomladnih cvetov, razstrupljanje, očiščevalna japonska kopel in meditativna sproščanja v Zen sobi.
- Na zunanji terasi ulovite sončne žarke, ki pomagajo telo oskrbeti z vitaminom D in hormoni sreče.
- Ob petkih: dan intenzivnega razstrupljanja v savnah (detox pilingi, obloge, zvočna terapija, meditacija, vroč gozdni in ledeni program v finski savni …)
Sproščujoče energijske masaže
- Prebudijo čutila in žensko energijo: masaža Stone, z vročimi vulkanskimi kamni in hladnimi kamni iz marmorja, Aromaterapija, Indijska antistresna masaža glave, vratu in ramen ...
Zen program in Antistresni energijski program (2, 4 ali 6 nočitev)
- S poglobljeno obravnavo in individualno prilagojenimi tretmaji preženite utrujenost, se razbremenite begajočih misli in izboljšajte koncentracijo. Preverite, kaj ponujata naša oddiha - Zen in Antistresni energijski program v Dolenjskih Toplicah.
Day Spa, dan za žensko ugađanje osjetilima
- Cjelodnevno kupanje i saunanje, piling za meku kožu i opuštajuća švedska masaža.
Ugađanje osjetilima u termalnim bazenima
- Svojom bojom Soče, zelenjem, umirujućom glazbom i podvodnom masažom nude toplo opuštanje i udobnost, kao i hvatanje sunčevih zraka u proljeće. Na galeriji se možete odmoriti na mekanim ležajevima, s izuzetnim pogledom na park i šumu.
Saunanje s ritualima njege i detoksikacije
- Rituali u ožujku prilagođeni su ženskoj ugodi i buđenju osjetila. Pilinzi, mirisni oblozi i kreme, ugodni mirisi proljetnog cvijeća, detoksikacija, pročišćavajuća japanska kupka i meditativno opuštanje u Zen sobi.
- Na vanjskoj terasi uhvatite sunčeve zrake koje pomažu opskrbiti tijelo vitaminom D i hormonima sreće.
- Petkom: dan intenzivne detoksikacije u saunama (detox pilinzi, obloge, terapija zvukom, meditacija, vrući šumski i ledeni program u finskoj sauni …)
Opuštajuće energetske masaže
- Bude osjetila i žensku energiju: Stone masaža, vrućim vulkanskim kamenjem i hladnim mramornim kamenjem, Aromaterapija, Indijska antistresna masaža glave, vrata i ramena...
Zen program i Antistresn energetski program (2, 4 ili 6 noćenja)
- Uz dubinsku obradu i individualno prilagođene tretmane pobijedite umor, riješite se lutajućih misli i poboljšajte koncentraciju. Provjerite što nude naši odmori - Zen i Antistresni energetski program u Dolenjskim Toplicama.
Dear ladies, girls, wives, mothers, grandmas, welcome to Terme Dolenjske Toplice in March!
- Relax with free mindfulness exercises
- Relax in the magical world of swimming pools and saunas
- Enjoy massages to awaken your senses
- Zen programme and Anti-Stress Energy programme

Free yourself from distracting thoughts, overcome fatigue, and increase your focus

Awaken your inner energy with an anti-stress head, neck, and shoulder massage
Join exercises and meditations increasing mindfulness
Relax in a safe haven where you don't have to prove how strong you are. Embrace your femininity and softness, accept your fragility and vulnerability, and awaken your senses. By paying gentle attention to yourself and your authentic feminine nature, you'll be able to decide how to take better care of yourself. Through mindfulness, we gain pleasant experiences, so it's easier for us to avoid intense emotional situations and strengthen our inner power.

Sauna world with detoxifying scrubs, wraps, sound therapies, and meditations

Pleasant massage with hot volcanic stones and cool marble stones
Exercises and meditations to increase mindfulness are open to everyone
In March, the exercises are dedicated to the feminine energy. The group exercises in the daily programme are free for hotel guests, while visitors pay a fee and can book them at the wellness reception. See the weekly exercise schedule. You can join:
- Forest therapy (3 hours)
- Morning meditation (45 minutes)
- Breathing exercises (40 minutes)
- Forest relaxation - mindful walking (60 minutes)
- Evening meditation (30 minutes)
- Sound bath and gong (45 minutes)
In addition, you can book individual treatments, consultations, and mindfulness exercises.
Book a service: 07 39 19 766,
Day Spa, a day of pampering for women
- All-day bathing and sauna, a scrub for softer skin and a relaxing Swedish massage.
Pampering in the thermal pools
- Bright green as the Soča River, greenery, soothing music, and underwater massage—our thermal pools offer warm relaxation and well-being, plus you can sunbathe in the warm spring sun. In the gallery, you can relax on comfortable sun loungers with an amazing view over the park and the forest.
Sauna bathing with beauty and detox rituals
- The rituals in March focus on women's comfort and awakening of the senses. Scrubs, scented wraps and creams, pleasant scents of spring flowers, detoxification, a purifying Japanese bath, and meditative relaxations in the Zen room.
- Sunbathe on the outdoor terrace and help replenish your body with vitamin D and happiness hormones.
- Fridays: days of intensive detoxifications in the saunas (detox scrubs, wraps, sound therapy, meditation, hot forest, and ice programmes in the Finnish sauna...).
Relaxing energy massages
- Awaken the senses and feminine energy: Stone massage with hot volcanic stones and cold marble stones, Aromatherapy, Indian anti-stress head, neck and shoulder massage...
Zen programme and Anti-Stress Energy programme (2, 4 or 6 nights)
- With in-depth consultations and personalised therapies, you can overcome fatigue, free your mind from distracting thoughts, and improve your focus. Check out what our Zen and Anti-Stress Energy programmes in Dolenjske Toplice have to offer.

Follow your passions (2 nights)
A superb offer for an active time-off and relaxation at Otočec.
Active vacations
(2 overnight, 2 persons)

Spa break in Terme Šmarješke Toplice
Excellent food, thermal wells and top quality wellness service.
Unforgettable vacation
(per person, per night)

Spa break in Terme Dolenjske Toplice
Indulge in a revitalising getaway, where comfortable rooms, exceptional butler service, artistic experiences, and an inspiring natural setting await to refresh your spirit.
(per person, per night)

Spa break in Talaso Strunjan
The greenest part of the Slovenian coast with warm seawater.
(per person, per night)

Anti-stress programme, Terme Dolenjske Toplice (2 nights)
This programme helps you relax and achieve spiritual and physical harmony.
A program of meditations and massages
(2 nights, per person)

Spa break in Terme Dolenjske Toplice
Indulge in a revitalising getaway, where comfortable rooms, exceptional butler service, artistic experiences, and an inspiring natural setting await to refresh your spirit.
(per person, per night)